Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spencer's Stoned Thoughts: Terrelle Pryor

This is gonna be another quasi-regular segment where I rant for a little bit after I get home from work and smoke weed...

So the Bucks got Terrelle Pryor huh? FUCKIN A!!!!!!!!!

There is no downside, no contracts, no NFL hoopla here...Senator Tressel just made the rest of the Big 10 go, "oh fuck no." I like to consider myself an objective observer, sure I root for my teams no matter the situation, but unlike certain members of this blog...cough cough AC cough...I can see things from an impartial angle...yea, that's right, I went there.

Anyways, there is nothing you can say that's bad about Terrelle Pryor coming to Ohio State. Not one damned thing. Not a single motherfucking, sextopian, ass raping thing. He's the shit, he's number one, he's the best. Period. Senator Tressel just fucking rocked this shit and OSU is better for it all over.

There will be an ungodly amount of points scored, why, because Pryor is the best. I have an official, Tebow sized mancrush on Terrelle Montavious Pryor. His middle name isn't Montavious, but it sounds badass, dignified, a name of POWER AND PRESTIGE, so I'm gonna roll with it and squirt scarlet and gray man juice all over everything Maize and Blue...seriously, it's not blue assholes, it's navy, get it right.

OSU has some serious shit going on right now...JB Shuggarts, Michael Brewster, Mike Adams...all HOSSES on the O-line and the foundation for something seriously special. These guys were all highly ranked O-line recruits, and by all accounts, each have the right mindset to be serious players at the highest level, the base layer for success. DeVier Posey is a serious stud WR, a guy with height, size, speed and hands. Jake Stoneburner is a TE, but TE's don't normally run 4.4 40 dashes at 6'5''.

But why stop there? Look at the 10 rush DE, check, top 10 pass DE, check, top 10 DT, check. Etienne Sabino, I probably mispelled his first name but who cares, is the best MLB recruit in the nation. So, wow, that's some serious talent being brought in.

We still have Saine, Beanie for another year, a loaded defense and what did Senator Tressel do? Only bring in this ridiculous stud QB who has the POTENTIAL to be one of the game's best. Sure there are the usual disclaimers like Xavier Lee sucking and Ron Powlus sucking and Insert-QB-recruit-with-5 stars Here sucking. But why think about that? Why not consider that this guy just destroyed the Army All-American game with contributions from the aforementioned recruits coming in? Or the fact that he's not facing the pressure that other guys pressed too early into playing time faced? I prefer to reflect on those lovely thoughts.

So, in short, I'm extremely pleased with this development, it's a great shot in the arm to a program who was a little disappointed following consecutive National Championship disasters, and things are looking extremely bright. This is great for OSU because Michigan doesn't get him, and by most accounts, will suck something fierce this year. Now we can focus on the future and look towards winning even more than we have already, which might be almost impossible, but I like to dream. So I'm extremely pleased and will dance and jig until my pants fall down from exhaustion.



Anonymous said...
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Tom C said...

Aww come on man! I came all the way over here from Mzone to see what was left and you erased it.
btw Tebow didn't scare anyone much.
Google Tim Cunningham the sax man. He played corner for sparty in the eighties. Not a sparty fan but always liked Tim. Glad you got Pryor. Really.
Go Blue.

Anonymous said...

glad to see a civilized UM fan.

glad you didn't rip my ridiculous, uninteligble post either.